Top 5 Reasons To Get A Memory Foam Mattress


Are you looking for a mattress that can provide you with maximum comfort while sleeping? Well, a memory foam mattress does just that! Read on to find out more about their features that helps you enjoy a restful and relaxing night of sleep.

What is a Memory Foam Mattress?

As its name suggests, memory foam mattresses consist of a layer of memory foam, sometimes with springs as well. What makes it unique is its highly responsive nature that is able to contour to your body curves perfectly, providing you with great comfort when you sleep.

Fun fact: Memory foam was invented by NASA during the 1960s to improve NASA aircraft seat cushioning and better protect against any crashes.

With that, let’s move on to what you clicked into this blog for – their features and benefits.

High resilience

Thanks to its high resilient nature, you do not have to worry about your memory foam mattresses sinking or sagging after time. Once weight has been lifted off it, the mattress always rises slowly back to its original state. This makes sure that there is no change in the firmness and comfort level you experience while you sleep.

Low motion transfer

If you’re constantly being woken up in the middle of the night by the person sleeping next to you, consider getting a memory foam mattress! It reduces the effects of any movements, which can guarantee you an undisturbed night of sleep.


Did you know that memory foam mattresses are designed to be resistant towards dust mites and mold? This keeps the mattress sanitary and hygienic for you and are especially well-suited for people with allergies. Sleep clean and say bye to your allergy symptoms when you sleep!

Soft and supportive

By using your body heat, memory foam mattresses are able to fit your body shape and curves perfectly, providing you with amazing comfort and support. Regardless of your sleeping position, you get to experience targeted supported and proper sleeping posture throughout the night. Good spinal alignment is another benefit that you gain from sleeping on memory foam mattresses.


Memory foam mattresses help to spread your body weight out evenly across the entire mattress. Because of that, you experience little pressure on your heaviest body parts, which helps in getting rid of your body aches and discomfort.

Hot Tip:

As you may know, sleeping on memory foam mattresses can get slightly hot because of how it traps your body heat. Worry no more as we have a very simple solution for that. Simply get a memory foam mattress containing cooling gel IE Cooling Gel Memory Foam for a cool and comfortable night of sleep!


Sometimes all we want to do after a long and tiring day of work is to lie down comfortably on our beds and have a peaceful night of rest. So, give yourself that opportunity by getting a memory foam mattress and get ready for the best sleeps of your life!

Shop our Memory Foam Mattress and other mattresses on BEDANDBASICS today!

Also read: Tips for Sleeping on a Latex Mattress for the First Time


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